Liaqat Ali, Rupganj police station commandant, had been arguing for two weeks when a housewife in Sonargaon, Narayanganj, went to file a case on charges of sexual harassment. Finally, and seeing no other way, the woman filed a written complaint with the Inspector General of Police (IGP) last Wednesday (January 15). The accused, Mounir (35 years old), was then arrested on the same day, and the accused was handed over to the court in the sexual harassment case on Thursday.
The woman filed a complaint against the OC at the IGP’s Complaints Monitoring Cell at the Metropolitan Police headquarters on Wednesday. The complainant said that she is currently living a miserable life in her father’s house in the Sonargaon area due to fear of that scoundrel youth and drug dealer.
In the complaint submitted to the IGP office, he stated that he has been living in his in-laws’ house in Tarab town area of Roopganj since marriage. Her husband and eldest son are Saudi expatriates. She lives with her two young children at her in-laws’ house in Rupganj. On December 29, at around 11 p.m., when he left the house to respond to the call of nature, Mounir (35 years old), who was already asleep, grabbed his face and sexually harassed him. At that time, if he was interrupted, they would chase him down with homemade weapons and try to kill him.
He then returned to his house, closed the door and called the National Emergency Service 999. Two policemen from Rupganj police station came and rescued him. Likat Ali, Rupganj police station commander, has been reluctant to file a case in this incident for the past 15 days.
On the other hand, the drug dealer Mounir threatens him and says that I will not be able to do anything with these cases. I shut OC’s mouth with a large sum of money. If you want to live, withdraw the police complaint.
In this case, he asked the IGP to take legal action against the Rupganj Police Station Commander, seeking the safety of his life and the lives of his children.
The investigating officer in the case, C Abul Kalam Azad of Rupganj police station, said that accused Munir was arrested and sent to jail through the court.