After his arrest in Srinagar’s Munshiganj, BNP activists kidnapped Tarkul, an accused in a criminal case, from the police station. On Friday (January 10) at around 10 pm at Srinagar Police Station, more than half a hundred unruly activists of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) kidnapped the accused.
Munshiganj Superintendent of Police (SP) Shamsul Alam Sarkar confirmed the matter.
Tariq, who was kidnapped from the police station, is said to be a member of the Srinagar Upazila Juba Dal convening committee. He is a resident of Deulbhog district in that upazila.
Additional Superintendent of Police (Srinagar Circle) said about the incident. Anisur Rahman said that Tariq was arrested on Friday in a fight case and was taken to the police station in Srinagar. At night, more than half a hundred BNP leaders and activists came to the police station and pressured the police to release him. When he disagreed, the police kidnapped him in an altercation.
Munshiganj Superintendent of Police, Shamsul Alam, said that efforts are being made to bring those involved in the incident, including the kidnapped accused, under the law.