Allegations of extortion have been raised against the leaders and workers of Juba Dal, Chhatra Dal and Swachasipak Dal who went to the in-laws of the Bagaichari upazila vice president from Rangamati. Upazila BNP Vice President Md. Nashir al-Din complained. He submitted a written complaint to the district BNP requesting that this incident be corrected. The incident took place at his in-laws’ house in Block F area of Ward No. 7 in the upazila at around 12:15 on January 6.
The accused are Baghayeshhari Municipality Member of Youth Dal Noor Kabir, Upazila Chhatra Dal Member Secretary Nurul Islam Jannat, Municipality Dal Volunteer, Organizer Imran Hussain Juman, Chhatra Dal College Secretary, Sarwar Ghazi, Chhatra Dal Municipality Joint Organiser, Shahadat Molla, Municipality Dal Volunteer, Organiser. Abdour subscriber. Rahman and Upazila Chhatra Dal are joint conveners. Coordinator Amir Hussein. There were two or three other people with them.
In the written complaint, Nashiruddin stated that a group of 8 to 10 members of the Upazila Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its allied organizations surrounded my in-laws’ house in Block F area of Ward No. 7 of the upazila at around 12:15 pm. January 6. They kicked in the door. He threatened to break the door down if he didn’t open it. When I suddenly saw this situation, my in-laws called me. I got there quickly. I see that many leaders and activists of the Upazila Bengal National Party and its allied organizations have surrounded the house. I want to know why the house surrounds my identity. They told me that a man named Zainal Abedin came from Khagrachari and is associated with the Awami League. After listening to them, I told the matter to Omar Ali, president of Upazila BNP. He immediately hung up his phone and told me to talk to them. I did not get his cooperation, I want the cooperation of Omar Farooq, BNP president of Ward No. 7. Farooq reached there and spoke to the activists who surrounded the house. At one stage, they demanded that the visiting man be handed over to them, otherwise they would demand a ransom of two million rupees.
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He also wrote in the written complaint, when Farooq told me about their demands, I said why should I give them money? They can’t afford to pay much. Then they became more excited and created chaos inside the house. My in-laws were horrified to see such a situation. At the same time, women and children began to cry in fear. In this case, I brought 25 thousand rupees from home, handed them over and said: We have no more money. Then Omar Farouk tried to convince them. But they informed that they will not leave home without getting two thousand rupees. Then I explained to them and told them to deal with the situation and leave the house, so they left.
In the complaint, Nashiruddin also stated that he informed the responsible leaders of the upazila and BNP municipality on the morning of January 7, the day after the incident. They called for an emergency meeting on the matter with all allied agencies and organizations that evening. Upazila BNP Secretary General Jabidul Alam started discussing the matter in the meeting. At the time, BNP Mayor Nizamuddin said such extortion incidents were unacceptable in any way. Upazila BNP chief Omar Ali stopped him and said this was not blackmail. No such incident occurred. He said on behalf of the blackmailers, what happened was absolutely true. He behaved rudely with me in front of everyone saying why did I give shelter to Awami League in my in-laws house. In this case, I request a fair investigation into the extortion incident and regulatory action be taken against this inappropriate behavior of those involved in the incident and the Upazila BNP Chairman.
In this regard, Baghayeshhari Upazila, Vice President of the BNP, Mohammad Nashiruddin, told Bangla Tribune: “They came to my in-laws’ house and demanded a contribution of Tk 200,000. They are all leaders and workers of our party. Later I normalized the situation by donating an amount 25 lakh. Upazila BNP Chairman Omar Ali sided with the blackmailers because of him and that is why the matter was not resolved in the meeting that day Written complaint to BNP district officials under duress.
In this regard, Rangamati district president Dipan Talukdar Dipu told Bangla Tribune: “After receiving the written complaint, I informed the responsible leaders of Chhatra Dal, Gobo Dal and Swachasepak Dal district.” It called for an investigation into the incident and action to be taken against the accused. At the same time, an order was issued to return the Tk 25,000 taken.