The Hindi short film ‘Anuja’ has been shortlisted for the Oscars. The film is executive produced by Priyanka Chopra.
The story of a nine-year-old girl is shown in this film. The girl works in a clothing factory with her older sister, Palak. He faces a decision that affects his future and his family.
Regarding her association with this film, Priyanka said: “The film is based on an issue that will affect millions of children around the world. These children do not think about their future at all and are faced with harsh realities.
The film was produced by a non-profit organization called Salaam Bank Trust (SBT). It mainly works to support underprivileged children.
“Anuja” was written by Adam J. Greaves. He also produced the film.
It should be noted that the 97th Academy Awards will be held in Los Angeles on March 3.
Source: NDTV