Swiss and Americans earn reprieve in Louis Vuitton Cup semi-finals

1 min read

The Swiss and Americans took advantage of the unpredictable conditions in Barcelona to prolong the fun and earn themselves a reprieve in the semi-finals of the Louis Vuitton Cup. Trailing 4-0, both teams had their backs to the wall on Monday since a fifth defeat would have eliminated them.

Up against the British team of Ineos Britannia, the Swiss team of Alinghi started badly, with a stolen start. But they got back in touch and were able to pull through in very complicated wind conditions to negotiate, while their opponents lost the flight in an air pocket, to come back to 4-1.

In the same sporting situation, American Magic took the upper hand for the first time over Luna Rossa, which also landed against its will. Due to lack of wind, the second duels of the day were cancelled. The semi-finals will resume on Wednesday, with the same situation as on Monday: no room for error for Alinghi or American Magic.

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