The mobile court recovered 5,000 books after conducting an operation on charges of selling free government textbooks in the market. At this time, two stores were fined.
On Monday (January 20), two shops were fined after books were recovered from Banglabazar in the capital’s Old Dhaka.
According to mobile court sources, the NCTB and the Executive Magistrate raided the market in the presence of a delegation from the intelligence agency NSI on the basis of information that government textbooks distributed free of charge were being sold at various shops in the Banglabazar Book Market.
<\/span>“}”> During the operation, books printed by different printing presses were found in two stores and the Banglabazar Book Market. Bengali, English and mathematics books of different denominations from Madhyamik printed by Sarkar Printers, Letter and Color Limited, Shimonda Press and Publication Master Simex and Subarna Printing Press were seized. These books are available in Book Bazar BD and Zahid Book House bookstores. They were each fined Rs 1,000 and warned that if they committed the same crime in the future, they would face maximum fine and imprisonment.
Ramna Assistant Land Commissioner and Executive Magistrate Muhammad Tawfiqur Rahman administered the mobile court. Research Officer Associate Professor Kazi Maryland was present as a representative of NCTB. Rokan Al-Din.