First and foremost, it is important to control the prices of essential commodities, Jatiya Party chief J M Quader said. He said, on the one hand, due to inflation, the purchasing power of daily goods is going out. On the other hand, the imposition of a new value-added tax on hundreds of goods and services has made people’s lives miserable.
In a statement sent to the media on Monday (January 20), the Jatiya Party chief addressed the interim government and said there was a lot of talk about elections or reforms. There is no one who cares about people’s lives and livelihoods. The line in front of the TCB truck is getting longer by the day. Now, even wearing trousers and shirts, many people stand in line for hours to buy rice and pulses at low prices. Since supply is less than demand, many people go home empty-handed because they are unable to purchase goods from trucks. Buying fish, meat, milk and eggs has become a nightmare for the common man. Parents are unable to meet the expectations of children and families. The general public cannot obtain necessary treatment, nor can they afford life-saving medicines. In such a reality, the most important task of the government is to bring the prices of goods within the purchasing power of the general public.
We practice politics for the welfare of the people of the country,” GM Quader said in the statement. We will talk about human suffering. The top priority is to control commodity prices. Jatiya Party chief Ghulam Muhammad Qadir also expressed his hope that the government would take effective initiatives in this regard.