A group of university students alleged that Dhaka University Students Union (IKANGS) leader Megmalar Bose feared for his life when he called for “red terrorism” in his Facebook post. They demanded the immediate arrest of Meghmala Basu.
They made this demand at a press conference in front of Dhaka University’s Madhur Canteen on Saturday (January 18). Apart from this, these students also said that they will file a public memorandum against Meghmalar at Shahbagh police station on charges of “advocating red terrorism”.
While reading the written statement, Islamic Studies student A.B. said: Al-Zubair said that the students who were protesting against various terrorism in a democratic way fear that this terrorist group will resort to red terrorism again to suppress them as was the case in the past.
› \u09aa\u09cb8\u09cd\u099f\u09c7\u090 \u09b8\u09cd\u0995\u09cd\u090\u09f f\u09a8\u09b6\u099f<\/span><\/span>“}”> They said the students were concerned about their safety. Because we have seen in history how these red terrorists brutally killed dissidents. To protect the lives of students, it is necessary to immediately bring the instigators of the Red Terror and the criminals working behind the scenes to law.
In explaining the removal of Siraj Sikder’s writings, one of the most talked about leaders of communist politics is Maoist leader Siraj Sikder. The Proletarian Party of East Bengal is a Maoist party that believes in armed struggle. Siraj Shakder rejected the parliamentary method as a means of seizing state power and adopted a long-term village-based people’s war policy and formed an underground party. The secret and armed insurgency underpinning Maoist ideology will create disharmony with the common people. Siraj Shikder’s graffiti on the library wall may convey a similar spirit and the veracity of the Red Terror of Megmalar may emerge from Siraj Shikder’s focus when protesting students remove his graffiti.
By the way, Megamalar Bose said in a post on his Facebook identity on Friday (January 17): “Red terrorism is the only way – defensive violence for the sake of the marginalized.” Then at 12.30 pm, a group of students protested against the circular, led by former coordinator Maheen Sarkar.
\u09ae\u09c7\u0998\u09ae\u9b2\u09cd\u09be\u09b0 \u09ac\u098\u09c1\u090 \u09a6\u09cd\u09ac\u09f\u09a4\u09c0\u09df \u09aa\u09c7\u09be\u09b8\u09cd\u099f\u09c7\u090 8\u09cd\u0995\u09cd\u09f\u09a8\u096\u099f<\/span><\/span>“}”>
In another post on Saturday (January 18) on the matter, Mughallah said: “I sincerely apologize to my comrades. You are fighting in the field for constitutional recognition of the tribes. In such a situation, my ‘inability to thrive’ has only created an opportunity for amusement. Further From that, I’m willing to defend what I say in court, in public, in the afterlife but not on Facebook anymore. If you file a case, don’t make a drama. He won’t get a response Facebook. Thank you.”
In this regard, Boz from Magmalar told the media: “I did not talk about offensive terrorism in the Facebook post, but rather I talked about defensive terrorism.”